


Dial-A-Ride & Fixed Route Services

$9.00 One Way

$18.00 Round Trip

$200.00 Month Pass

$650.00 Semester Student Pass

$1020.00 Full Year Student Pass


An additional charge of $1.00/km is added to Dial-A-Rides outside of the SAT coverage area. The charge is divided equally among all passengers, and begins at the coverage border.

A wait time charge of $30.00 is added to Dial-A-Ride stops that last over one hour. This charge is prorated to the quarter hour.


This service is offered evenings and weekends and is a great way for a group of people to travel together to a common destination. Weddings, conference travel, and outings of any kind.

Keep your friends, family and co-workers safe by providing them with safe transportation to and from your event and avoid drinking and driving. You book your charter, and the vehicle & driver are yours alone for the duration of the charter.

Cancellation Policy

It is the policy of Strait Area Transit that cancellations relayed to our dispatcher and management up until 3:00pm the business day prior to their scheduled ride via e-mail (dispatcher@satbus.ca) or phone call (902-625-1475) will be accepted without any cancellation fees.

Cancellations after 3:00pm the business day before the scheduled ride will be subject to a charge of half the total amount quoted. This includes rides where we are unable to access the property, are turned away, or the client is a no-show.

Riders will be required to bring their account up to date (i.e. pay off this charge) within 60 days of billing. Failure to do so may result in a temporary suspension of service.

The dispatcher and management may use their discretion when enforcing the rider cancellation policy. Such examples of discretion include: The rider cancels due to illness or emergency; A medical appointment is canceled last minute by the doctor/hospital.

Easy to Use

  1. Click here to request your ride.

  2. SAT will contact you to confirm your booking.

  3. SAT will pick you up at your door.

  4. Arrive safely at your destination and do what you need to do.

  5. SAT takes you back to your door.

It’s as easy as that!